
Healthcare reform is overdue

1 min read

To the editor:

How agonizing and frustrating it is to keep reading the naive. Someone is always demanding that every congressman read every if, and, and but in a 1,900 page bill. Not even feasible, especially since they already know what it contains, and have had since January to assimilate the basics.

If the healthcare reform bill had been passed in January, much untreated suffering and thousands of deaths would not have occurred.

With so many ideas always floating around, almost no bill is perfect – likely to please everyone. If you have a minor misgiving,check the index. But most of all,think about the overall good to be accomplished.

I am reminded of a couple of local medical professionals who are spreading panic and domestic terrorism to kill any reform. What they don’t say is that they fear losing some medicare revenue (not likely from the bill). However, others reading same just might question their professional competency and reasoning by taking their business elsewhere (and that could be a loss.)

Wayne K. Hood

Cape Coral