All politics are local
To the editor:
My understanding of the economic and political system at the federal and global level provides ample red flags. The political and banking leaders who claim we are experiencing a jobless recovery are the same leaders who claimed all was well before the latest bubble burst. The problem has not been corrected yet. The President and Congress keep spending money they don’t have.
Further, the time bomb called the derivative market is clicking away. This is a ponzi scheme of $1.5 quadrillion in which the upside participants made trillions.
It’s a real mess. Obama is following Bush in the Federal Reserve/Treasury plan to devalue the U.S. dollar. The plan is to pay back bond holders who were promised interest with principal in dollars worth much less. It is a sucker payout which is fueling real actions to end the world reserve status of the dollar. The devalutation also harms those on fixed incomes, young families and just about every American citizen. Dollars will buy less. A new currency after exchange will provide even less value.
This, increasing actions to centralize power into state, federal, regional and global power centers, and increasing actions to limit and remove freedoms are signs of different America.
Those elected to the Cape Coral council and mayor chairs will be faced with many great challenges. The economic pie to be sliced up will continue to be smaller. The Federal Government share will continue to increase. And, the working and non working citizens will have lower disposable income-lower family income.
At this point in time do we need leaders who by actions have provided higher taxes, fees, and assessments? Or leaders who prefer a city manager who pushes for additional forms of taxation and higher taxes? Do we need the leadership that has squeezed the hope out of so many?
Or, do we need leaders who who have plans to reduce taxes and assessments? And, whose UEP plan allows for freedom of choice.
James Arft
NW Cape Coral