
Setting the record straight

3 min read

To the editor:

During this campaign it has been my goal to always stay focused on moving this city forward and staying positive, avoiding all negativity that sometimes seems to take the forefront in campaigns. However, recently, some untruths and innuendo have surfaced that cannot go without comment, so I am writing to set the record straight!

On Oct. 9, 2009, Mrs. Lynn Rosko submitted a letter to the editor regarding my campaign contributions. While it is true that I have received the endorsement and contribution from some political action committees and developers/contractors, the truth is those contributors make up 15 percent and 10 percent respectively of the total contributors to my campaign.

While the addresses on some of the political action committees and one developer are outside of the Cape Coral area, because that is where the registered address of corporation is established, the truth is these committees are supported by and their members are local citizens and employees in Cape Coral. They are citizens that work and play in Cape Coral and give back to our community in many ways, one of which is spending their hard earned dollars with our local businesses.

As for the developers/contractors, one must remember that they provide employment for many of our citizens again who work and play in Cape Coral and give back to our community, not only by spending their monies here with local business, but also through many of the charities that benefit others in the community.

The truth is that 75 percent on my campaign contributors are individual donations from residents in Cape Coral. However, I consider them all to be representative of our citizenry people with a vested interest in the future of our City, who have a vision for Cape Coral and love Cape Coral!

The reference to “mobs” and “Barney Frank” in referenced Letter to the Editor are true indications of the misleading and slanderous information that some candidates’ campaigns continue to produce during this political season. While there are many more equally disturbing, false and misleading statements to be found in print and other forms of media, from candidates and there supporters, as well as former politicians, I have chosen to stay above this and believe that the residents of Cape Coral will say “we have had enough” of this scurrilous behavior and will demonstrate that where it counts the polls.

There are politicians and public servants. Politicians expect to be serviced, while public servants attempt to service the citizens. I want nothing more than to provide a public service to our wonderful city. You can be the judge of others who are campaigning, currently serving or have served in the past, by viewing their actions rather then their words.

I would ask those of us who want to see this city move forward, who love our city and want to continue to work and play here, to look past these ludicrous comments and see them for what they are.

Thank you for your patience in these times.

Jim Burch

Candidate for Mayor of Cape Coral