
Feichthaler commended for commentary

2 min read

To the Editor

On behalf of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association, I wish to commend Eric Feichthaler on his well-thought out opinion piece (Oct. 12) detailing how best to preserve the water ecosystem in Southwest Florida. He rightly points out the goal of improving our water quality can only be achieved by a comprehensive set of actions based on education, education, and yet more education. Twenty-five years ago recycling was a novel concept – today it’s mainstream because it just makes so much sense. We’re now at the front of the learning curve when it comes to developing the thinking patterns that recognize units of government and individuals both have roles to play in keeping our waters clean.

For over a decade, those of us who labor in the “green industry” have been working to develop and implement the “best management practices” (BMPs) to ensure we grow and maintain Florida’s landscape plants and turf in a way that is environmentally sensitive. We are proud these efforts have been acknowledged by Florida’s Department of Environmental Protec-tion in the establishment of a science-based model fertilizer ordinance for towns and counties. This model ordinance is rooted in a firm understanding of the science of plant growth. Like Mr. Feichthaler, we believe local governments throughout Florida should embrace an ordinance that properly regulates fertilizer applications and we urge them to adopt the model ordinance for Florida-friendly fertilizer use on urban landscapes. Because the Florida Legislature understands water systems recognize no municipal or county lines of demarcation, this model was endorsed by Florida’s lawmakers and enacted into law this spring.

Florida’s green industry will continue to partner with governmental bodies. Together we can encourage adoption of the sensible fertilizer regulations found in the new model ordinance, while continuing to help Florida’s homeowners learn about the important role they play in eco-friendly plant and turf maintenance practices. Together, we can create a legacy of sparkling water throughout the State of Florida that supports the lifestyle residents and visitors all enjoy.

Ben Bolusky

CEO/executive vice president

Florida Nursery, Growers

and Landscape Association
