
Candidates need to concentrate on issues

2 min read

To the Editor

Having attended the candidate forums and debates, it has become evident that certain candidates would rather “sling mud” at their opponents rather than discuss and debate the issues that are paramount to our city!

In the city of Cape Coral, we have many growing pains, we have budget issues, utility expansion concerns, road widening, economic development ideas and projects coming in and the list goes on and on. To get every candidates’ ideas and input on the important issues would have been great.

The “we need change,” “we need ethical and moral, honest leaders,” “we need candidates who will listen” rhetoric is nothing but words. If this is their platform to get elected, then it becomes obvious that they really have no clue as to how our city works, how our City Council study issues, gathers information and makes decisions. If this is their platform to get elected, then perhaps we need to really listen to what they are saying and what they are not saying.

Having attended these forums and debates, I have not heard from this group of candidates a word about what they will do to “change.”

It is imperative that each one of us goes to vote. It is imperative that each one of us studies the issues and really listen to what each candidate is saying and what they are not saying. It is imperative that we make the choice to keep our city moving in a forward and positive direction.

So, on Nov. 3, please go to the polls with an informed and intelligent decision.

Linda Biondi

Cape Coral