
Why won’t the incumbents step up?

3 min read

To the editor:

There’s a moment at the start of every City Council meeting when a nervous student from a Cape Coral school places their hand over their heart to lead us all in making the “Pledge of Allegiance.” There are smiles and warmth throughout the room as we all share with that young citizen the pledge that is our uniquely American common bond and the symbol of our greatness. Across that diverse group of citizens there are as many individual opinions and personal beliefs as there are people in the room – individuality that is assured through that unwavering pledge to liberty and justice for all.

Here’s the thingin concept, the much-criticized Contract With Cape Coral is not so very different. It is a pledge to six core principles of prudent governance – Reform City Administration, Reduce Spending, Restore Public Trust, Make Cape Coral Truly Development Friendly, Develop a Comprehensive Vision for Cape Coral and Complete the Utilities Forensic Audit. So, why are the four “status quo” candidates and their staunch supporters (as epitomized by the hyper-critical Ralph LePera) so disdainful of The Contract? What hidden agenda is driving their public criticisms and denigrations of the candidates who support the contract? Does that concern you? Do you wonder what these “status quo” candidates do stand for, if it is not these worthy values? Could it be that they want to perpetuate the “business as usual” mentality that has cost us so much?

Virtually everyone who has read the Contract With Cape Coral comes to the same conclusion; this pledge is in no way threatening and actually represents a much-needed return to principles that have been overshadowed by the influence of special interest groups. Influence that has led to a “spend-and-tax” attitude along with out-of-control utilities rates and $1 billion worth of capital spending, all on the backs of our citizens. Those four candidates who have signed the contract (John Sullivan, Jim Martin, Chris Chulakes-Leetz and John Cataldi) each have their own individual opinions, beliefs and personal experience (just as you and I do) yet they are all committed in common to six principles that are the key to much-needed change and a positive future for our city.

You be the judge of who has your best interests in mind and then vote for them. Join our declaration of independence from special interests, high taxes and skyrocketing utility rates.

We invite those candidates who have shunned the contract to join the forum on where they can share their own views, their principles and their vision for our city and respond to questions from the citizens. We all look forward to your lively participation. We, the people, want to know what you stand for – not what you stand against with only vague innuendo.

Gary King

Cape Coral