Chilmonik a profile in courage
To the editor:
Very few genuine heroes come our way. But Lee County now has one who is a genuine “profile in courage” in the person of Bob Chilmonik. Facing true adversity in the face of the District Superintendent and majority of four, Bob continues to represent the true interests of the taxpayer and the children of the county.
With a hero there are true villains. The Superintendent, who has disgraced himself by forswearing ethics and removing such clause from his contract browbeats all who disagree with his policies. Board member, Elinor Scricca, publicly on TV publicly claims that Mr. Chilmonik has no right to disparage the school district’s policies and lack of results. Of course she cannot point out how she can take away his civil and Constitutional rights!
Anyone who opposes the views of this superintendent or majority of the board is subject to some sort of censure.
This writer, when president of Substitute Teacher’s Association, had faced similar actions and was removed from substitute teaching for suggesting it was improper for the superintendent to take 12 percent raise to his six-figure salary and then giving substitutes only 4 percent to their meager stipend.
It is clear that this group of people, using their power of office, will abridge no disagreement or dissent and will in one way or the other silence their critics. Mr. Chilmonik is one of a long list to feel the chop of the ax.
A worse example of the democratic process could not be provided for the students of Lee County.
John E. Traube
Cape Coral