
Vote for independent candidates: Burch, McGrail, McClain, Bertolini

2 min read

To the editor:

Much has been written and reported on the Mayor’s race in Cape Coral, but it is critical to understand that there are three other races that are just as important as the Mayor’s race. This is because the Cape Coral City Charter provides for the at-large election of all Council seats, unlike Fort Myers, where the Council members are elected by ward, and represent that ward.

This election is going to decide who will hold the seats for Districts 1, 4 and 6. There is no incumbent in District 1 and 6. District 1 has two contenders, Marty McClain and Jim Martin. Both have business backgrounds, but I support Marty McClain because his background (as well as mine) is in Construction Management, while Jim Martin’s is in the aerospace industry. While I am sure that Jim did a fine job, Marty’s experience is more closely related to the types of contracts we deal with as a City.

Dolores Bertolini, the incumbent in District 4, is being challenged by Chris Leetz. Dolores has a long list of accomplishments at Council and has authored some of the more significant ordinances, most recently shepherding through the revised Landscape ordinance. Many Council members had tried before her, and failed. Dolores understands the workings of city government, and will continue to represent the best interests of all citizens. I find her opponent’s credentials and demeanor less than compelling.

District 6 has Kevin McGrail, a 20-year resident, opposed by John Cataldi, a recent transplant from New York. Kevin has been very active in Cape Coral, having been a member of the Saratoga Lakes Homeowner’s Association and Committee Chairman of Boy Scout Troop 2199. He was also active at Planning and Zoning regarding the Santa Barbara/Hancock Bridge area. Kevin is also a leader in fighting the blight caused by foreclosures.

These are some of the reasons that I am supporting Marty, Dolores and Kevin. Another important one is that they are each their own person, and have not signed a pledge to vote a certain way, even before the details are known, unlike their opponents.

I urge citizens to vote for the future, not the past. Vote for Jim Burch, Kevin McGrail, Marty McClain and Dolores Bertolini!

Robert E. Dudley

Cape Coral