
Vote Bertolini

2 min read

To the editor:

The upcoming election is extremely important to the City of Cape Coral. Unfortunately, the Primary was a dismal turnout. It was shamefully disappointing. If you don’t vote, why have an opinion about any issue that confronts our city. There was not a problem with citizens using the microphone at Citizens Input at Council meetings or for other scheduled meetings. Maybe they wanted “three minutes of fame” and received it. Did you vote?

These are difficult and trying times for everyone. We need to re-vitalize our city to attract commerce, future investors and jobs. The city has finally received the approval to widen State Road 78 (Pine Island Road). This sets the stage for future growth while sustaining the businesses on this important corridor. SR78 is a necessary evacuation route during the Hurricane Season. It ensures a safe exit from Cape Coral and Pine Island. The official who has worked diligently on this issue for many, many years is Councilwoman Dolores Bertolini. This is positive action!

Bertolini pursued the Swim Center for Cape Coral, knowing this would enhance our image, not only financially, but provide great opportunity for our youth to compete at the national and international level. It will be a focal point for future Olympian events and attract investors to the surrounding areas. It spells, jobs, jobs, jobs! This is positive action!

Our veterans are aware of Councilwoman Bertolini’s continuous efforts to work with county, state and national officials to bring an outstanding Veterans Hospital to Cape Coral.It is now a reality! This is positive action!

People lose sight in not evaluating the over all performance of elected officials. Are they highly principled, have good work ethic, vital knowledge for providing solutions? Do they practice good government? Observe the Sunshine Law (prevents collusion and provides transparency)? Committed to lead our city in a positive direction? Work cooperatively with the surrounding government entities? I strongly believe Dolores Bertolini is doing that now and will continue to do so, for our future.

I will vote for Dolores Bertolini in November.

Michel G. Doherty

Cape Coral