
Protest ‘Right to Choose’ bill

3 min read

To the editor:

“A nation that kills its children has lost its soul”

– Mother Theresa

This year anyone who wishes that abortion would be defeated will facing the possibility of a bill passing that would take away any restrictions that have been won. The new president has promised to sign the “Right to Choose” bill if it passes Congress. Please let your representatives know how you feel about this bill.

The reasons we are against abortion are these:

1. It cheapens life and begins the slide down the slippery slope of people deciding who should live and who should die a privilege that should be left only to God. We already have three states that allow assisted suicide for people to end what they consider a painful life. Holland has that law too and already some have been assisted into the after life because they took to long to die, “wasting” the family’s money.

2. It devastates the country. We have already 50 million plus of our citizens. Think about your family’s history. If one of your ancestors were aborted, how would that have changed your family? Siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. How many presidents, Congress people, doctors nurses, journalists, authors, scientists, etc, have not been here to make a difference in our world. There is talk that there will not be enough doctors of heath care workers to take care of the retiring baby boomers. Kind of ionic isn’t it? The very generation that gave us abortion on demand may not have enough medical staff to care for them in their old age. And then there is Social Security. We used to have many people contributing to the retirement of one person, now we are down to two per retiree. If there are less people to replace the baby boomers, what tax will they pay to support them?

No civilized country should have a law that allows people to make the womb the most dangerous place in which to be. A developing child is killed in a manner that, if used on an older person would be considered barbaric. And the product of at most times illicit union is sacrificed because he/she had the audacity to develop because they refuse to take precautions. Use contraceptives. We know that will upset a lot of people, but we believe that abortion is the greater sin.

We are blessed with an abundance of food, clothing, housing. There is room on this earth for all. We waste enough food each day to feed the third world. There is no reason to sacrifice our future generations because of a lack of space. Fifty million looks like a lot, but if you break it down that is one million per state. In Florida, we add that amount each year from other states. No, it is not because there is no room. It is because of our hardness of heart. And just because something is legal, it doesn’t make it morally right.

Bill and Doris Heyns

Cape Coral