Seat Marilyn Stout
To the editor:
Why would Gary Lee, as head of the Lee County Republican party, refuse to seat Marilyn Stout, who won the GOP committee seat with 73 percent of the vote? The decision is irrational, unfair and certainly un-Republican. The only answer is that Mr. Lee is not a Republican. Marilyn Stout is clearly the people’s choice and for anyone to say that the people’s vote is unimportant makes a statement tantamount to insanity.
Commissioner Ray Judah is right. Lee needs to resign. And Commissioner Judah deserves our applause for stepping up to the plate before some irreparable harm is done to the party.
Marilyn Stout is a woman who has given years of service to Cape Coral, Lee County and to the Republican Party. There is no one who deserves more respect and more of our appreciation than she does. For anyone to attack her in this unfair way is just plain sick garbage!
It would be more than appropriate for Brenda Skupny, the woman who lost to Mrs. Stout, to acknowledge that Marilyn Stout deserves the seat and do the right thing by calling for the removal of Gary Lee. We need people in politics who understand that they’re there to serve, not to dictate, and babbling talking heads need to go.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral