Wish list for 2009
To the editor:
Since Councilmember Bertolini has her own wish list, I’ve decided to share mine. I’m sure they are not the same.
I wish that:
1. “The powerful” seated on the dais at Cape Coral city council meeting would leave their egos at home.
2. “The powerful” would leave their personal problems at home.
3. They would be more friendly before, during and after the meetings, mingling with the public.
4. They didn’t think that they have all the answers and their opinions are the only ones that count.
5. They would learn how to control their tempers, or else enroll in anger management classes.
6. They would remember that “mouth opens before brain is engaged.”
7. They would quit being on the defensive all the time
8. They would quit talking about their jobs; how tough it is, and how much time it consumes.
9. They would learn to accept criticism rather than trying to shut up and humble the critics.
10. They would remember that they were elected and hired by us, the residents of Cape Coral, to make educated decisions on our behalf. We are the employer!
11. They would do more homework; thus being better informed.
12. They would learn to communicate better, speaking with us, rather than to us. (Take communication classes)
13. They would be sensitive to the needs and feelings of all of us, or enroll in sensitivity training courses.
14. They would learn how to do more with less. quit the spending frenzy! Tighten their belts! Lead by example!
15. They would work together, with us, the residents of Cape Coral, hearing our concerns, allowing us to have more input into decisions affecting our daily lives.
(Town hall meetings, more citizens input time). All of us want to make Cape Coral a better place to live!!
Am I wishing for too much? Hopefully not.
Remember, “if you say you can, you will; if you say you can’t, you won’t.”
If you are seated on the dais at Cape Coral city council meetings and find my wish list offensive, just remember one thing. It is my wish list, however, if the shoe fits, wear it!
Erick Kuehn
Cape Coral