Who’s running the council meetings?
To the editor:
Is the “dog wagging the tail,” or is the “tail wagging the dog?”
Think about it. When was the last time you attended or watched a Cape Coral City Council meeting? How about a city manager’s meeting? How about a sales meeting? I perceive it to be a city manager’s sales meeting. Do you agree? On the one end of the dais, a very intelligent, soft-spoken salesman who chooses his words very carefully, tries to persuade eight highly intelligent people to buy into his program. Does he succeed? What do you think? By their own admission, some city council representatives rely on his expertise and follow his recommendations.
Shouldn’t they, our elected city council representatives and elected mayor, spend time and find out for themselves what’s what? Did we, the residents of Cape Coral elect the city manager? Who is one governing body? The elected mayor and city council? Who should have the final say-so in spending our hard-earned money? By the way, why is the city manager seated on the dais, along with the mayor and city council representatives? Does he have the same power? Don’t most cities and counties seat their manager among his staff? Isn’t the manager supposed to speak only when approached by council or the mayor? Think about it! Aren’t eight heads better than one? Contact your council representative, ask him/her to do more of their own research.” It’s your city, and your money.
Erick Kuehn
Cape Coral