The GOP will fight back
To the editor:
To my fellow Republicans: Do not despair we have only lost a battle but not the war. Weeping and recriminations only gladden the opposition. We have a great party heritage with sound principals: smaller everything, smaller government, smaller taxes and smaller intrusion into the lives of our citizens. And we have the consolation of watching the new administration trying to deliver on the promises. Imagine the consideration among its most ardent supporters when the Iraq troops are not with drawn by Feb. 1, don’t receive “welfare” checks by March 1, and no tax reduction by April 15.
As for us, we lost because we abandoned our core principles of conservative governance, we had a weak candidate and, seemingly, no PR plan other than the Bob Dole playbook. Yet, despite huge financial and technological advantages, we only lost the White House by a few points while the predicted landslide vote, the youth vote and predicted record vote did not happen.
Our party needs a cold, cruel re-evaluation of ourselves to start a revitalization. We still have the principles that made out party great but we need new, dynamic leadership as a rallying point. Where are the Ronald Reagans of tomorrow instead of retreaded Republicans from DC.? We have a bright spot in Sarah Palin who may, indeed, be the new Reagan. And we must repulse the weak sister calls for abandoning principle for “move to the middle” defeatism. We must prepare for the ’10 and ’12 elections provided that Democracy survives the Democrats.
Joseph N. Campochiaro
Fort Myers