
S.W. 6-7 needs to go forward

2 min read

To the editor:

I read with much interest, the article in The Breeze on Saturday. This project needs to be completed now. I understand the concerns of the people who live in S.W. 6&7. When I moved to Cape Coral, I knew that in the future this project was going to be done with a high cost. I made sure I had all utilities at the home I purchased. Now I’m hearing that if this project isn’t done, my rate for water and sewer will go up over 50 percent. That is wrong. I, and others on the utilities won’t be using the extra capacity potable water.

This project is the same as beating a dead horse. I can understand the problems with the economy. But in the same way, why should others be made to pay for something that is meant for those coming into the system? Every time the UEP is brought before the city council, I see votes changed. This is flip flopping in its worst form. Mr. Burch has done all he could do to possibly get the cost down. From where I sit, I believe the bidding process could have been done better. The same company always seems to get the job. I’m sure there are other contractors out there that can do the job cheaper.

As for Mr. Grill’s comments. Is the city council now reduced to name calling? I sense a little arrogance on his part. Why is it that the employment of Mr. Burch in a company that did work on the UEP is just now being brought up? This information was available a long time ago. Mr. Burch was not on the city council when his company did the work. There is no conflict of interest here. I believe that Mr. Grill is using it as an excuse to change his vote this time.

The city council is supposed to work together for the good of the entire city. Calling fellow council members idiots is not a way to get things done. Mr. Grill should apologize for that statement to the council members and all the residents.

Bruce R. Miller

Cape Coral