
Guest Column: Thanksgiving and Hope Hospice bring attention to good life

3 min read

By Samira K. Beckwith, President and CEO, Hope HealthCare Services

At Thanksgiving, many Americans express their gratitude for the opportunity to live a good life. Even people who are appropriate for hospice care can share that opportunity.

Recently a little child in our care told us that if he could do just one thing, it would be to spend a day at a theme park with his family. For many, that would be relatively easy. For others, including this child’s family, it would be a major undertaking, financially and physically. We were able to make it happen, and for him, it was no ordinary day at the park. It was a very special, one-time-only experience. Mom and Dad did not take his laughter and smiles for granted, and they will cling lovingly to that memory forever. We helped the little boy and his family to have a good life.

It is fitting that National Hospice Month is observed in November, at Thanksgiving time. President Bush has issued a Proclamation stating, “Americans believe that every person has matchless value throughout all of life’s stages. Our nation’s hospice caregivers lift up souls, offer peace of mind, and strengthen America’s culture of life.”

Making people aware of this is purpose of National Hospice Month. Everyone in the community should know about the care and support available to them through Hope.

Our mission is to provide exceptional care and support to every individual and their loved ones as they fulfill life’s journey. Our care includes pain management, symptom control, emotional support, and spiritual care as well as medications and supplies. The focus of care is quality of life for each day, making each moment count and providing hope.

During National Hospice Month and all year long, we encourage the community to be mindful of this special care available to everyone in need, regardless of age, type of illness, or ability to pay.

Hospice care can be provided for as long as needed. In some cases, care has continued for years. Most people in hospice care can remain in their own home. Hospice involves the family and offers professional support and training in caring for their loved ones.

The Thanksgiving season is a good time to talk with loved ones about living a good life, even near its end. Together, you can plan for your future health care needs and wishes, and you can document your instructions in the event you become unable to speak for yourself. Advance Directives forms are available on our Web site at‘>

Hope also offers long-term care programs for the seriously ill who do not require hospice.

To learn more about how we can help, please visit our Web site at‘> or call Hope at (239) 482-4673 or (800) 835-1673.

Hope’s mission is to provide exceptional care and support to every individual and their loved ones as they fulfill life’s journey.