
Follow the charter

2 min read

To the editor:

The following was sent on Nov. 7, 2008. If you agree with this position Civic encourages you to e-mail‘> or call city council 574-0437 in support of Civic’s position.

Dear Mayor and Council,

On November 10, Council will be appointing the new Mayor pro tem. A unanimous vote of the Board of Directors of the Cape Coral Civic Association encourages you to follow the spirit of the City Charter on this issue.

It is the opinion of the board that the intent of the Charter is that the Council appointed position of Mayor pro tem should be rotated on a yearly basis since the charter states; “…….shall serve for a period of one year.” Unfortunately, recent past practices and “council politics” have distorted this charter provision. It is our firm belief that the intent of the Mayor pro tem provision in the Charter is clearly to rotate the position, much like what is done on the Board of County Commissioners, wherein the chair is rotated on a yearly basis. In fact, prior to the at large Cape Coral mayoral elections, the mayor’s position was voted upon by council and rotated on a yearly basis. Following is the Charter Provision: 4.06. Mayor; Mayor pro tem.

b) A council member shall be elected by the majority vote of the Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Such election shall be held at the first Council meeting following each City General Election, except that in the years in which there is no City General Election, such election shall take place at the first regular City Council meeting on or after the anniversary of the previous City General Election. The Mayor Pro Tem shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of business in the Mayor’s absence, shall not have the power to veto and shall serve for a period of one year. (Ord. 125-02, 12-9-2002, Approved by referendum vote on April 8, 2003; Ord. 73-07, 6-11-7, Approved by referendum vote on November 6, 2007)

On behalf of the Cape Coral Civic Association, thank you in advance for your consideration.

Ralph LePera, president

Cape Coral Civic Association