
Vote Johnston

2 min read

To the editor:

Until this year, local politics were not very important to me. Before I met Carla Johnston, a current candidate for Lee County Commissioner running as an independent, I had no idea the influence local politics have on my everyday life. Now that I have experienced first-hand the effects of our economic downturn during a series of layoffs, I feel even more strongly about Carla’s fresh ideas to provide more work opportunities for the unemployed and stabilize businesses.

As the population of young people in Lee County continues to grow, the local government should continue to change to reflect voters’ needs. Carla Johnston is the person to implement those changes. She is ready to take charge and work for everyone in Lee County to make our communities thrive. Working in cities such as Sanibel — where she served as mayor — and Boston, Carla has experience working with maximizing the efficiency of budgets and services.

In order to jump-start Lee County’s economy, we need a pair of new eyes — a person with a new approach to local government. As a young voter, I believe that Carla Johnston is the person that can provide the necessary energy and focus for the future. For more information on Carla, please visit her Web site

Adrianne Podley

Fort Myers