
Vote Boyd

2 min read

To the editor:

Carla Johnson is a Democrat and could have run as such in the primary election with no opposition. She would have the won the Democratic primary and gone directly to the general election in November. She knew that Lee County is primarily Republican and as a Democrat she would probably not have stood a chance of winning, so she changed her party affiliation to independent in April of this year. Thus she is running as a candidate with no party affiliation. If that isn’t abandoning your party, what is?

On the other hand. A.J. Boyd is a registered Republican in Lee County, and has been for the last 17 years. A.J. still remains a registered Republican, but he chose to run “No Party Affiliation” because there were already three Republicans in the primary race for District 1 Lee County Commissioner. Since Cape Coral Mayor Eric Feichthaler was one of the contenders in this race, A.J. decided to run “No Party Affiliation” so that in the event that Eric was not successful, the residents of Cape Coral would still have a choice to defeat the incumbent, ensuring representation on the commission for the city of Cape Coral, and putting an end to the frivolous lawsuits filed by the commission against the city of Cape Coral, and thereby wasting taxpayers money.

Cape Coral needs A.J. Boyd on the commission, and the Republican Party of Cape Coral should back him as they did Eric. Cape Coral has had no representation on the Lee County Commission in the last eight years.

The time has come for a change! Let’s get behind A.J. Boyd on Nov. 4.

Vicky Pac

Cape Coral