
Residents should demand

2 min read

To the editor:

I read with interest, the article published in the Saturday Breeze. I do agree that someone should be picked from the city council to fill the mayor’s seat. Day should be placed in that seat, as he is the mayor pro tem.

I also read that some city council members feel the interview process will take up too much time due to having to interview unqualified applicants. What qualifications are needed other than being of the proper age, and a resident of Cape Coral? Also being a registered voter, whether you vote or not? I seem to feel that elitism is in action here. A college education is not a qualification for public office, although I feel that many think it should be. Common sense in government is more important than how educated a person is.

These city council members that made that statement should be named. Who are they to determine ones qualifications for a public office? They ran in an election that the people chose whom they wanted as representing them.

It is said that it would cost $80,000 to hold a special election for mayor. Cape coral spends much more than that on frivolous things. The mayor’s office is too important to have eight people decide who is going to be mayor. Residents need to band together and demand a special election so that they will be represented by someone picked by them, not picked by a select few.

Bruce R. Miller

Cape Coral