
Party with a heart

2 min read

To the editor:

I’ve always been told that the Democratic Party is the people party and now I believe it. I want to tell you a little story that should be told.

In this day and age of give me this and I want that, I just found a humanitarian.

My wife just came home from the hospital, and she was given $290 worth of prescriptions. Having only a little money, I bought what I could. Then I remembered that my Democratic Party told me that any time I needed help, call them.

At first I was not going to call because I thought it was a lot of bunk. I made the call to the Fort Myers office and was told to call Sen. Thompson, and Katie, a most gracious lady, answered the phone.

After I told her the predicament my wife was in, she (Florida Medicaid was not honoring any of the benefits) told me to wait by the phone and she would try to help.

Of course, I though that I would never hear from them again, but around five minutes later I received the greatest call I could receive.

A lady said that the Democratic Party Senator Thompson had called the United Way in our behalf and that my wife’s medication is paid for and I could go pick it up.

Robert Stockwell

Fort Myers