
Palin rally inspired

2 min read

To the editor:

You all had your chance to see a stunning performance by the next vice president of the United States of America, Sarah Palin the governor of the great State of Alaska. Sarah came to the Germain arena on Monday, Oct. 6. My wife and I were part of a crowd of over 9,000 people. We waited outside for over three hours before they let us in.

We were the lucky ones. The arena staff turned away more than a thousand people who arrived too late. Our thanks go out to a number of people who made that event so very special.

Our own Mandy Connel did the introductions and Lee County Sheriff, Michael Joseph Scott was the first to speak. He received a rousing applause from the standing room only crowd. Mike spoke about Democratic rival Barack “Hussein” Obama and was later criticized for the use of Obama’s full name. It is unfortunate that we live in this politically correct world. Are we never to mention the word “Hussein” in the same sentence with the name Barack Obama? Mike, you had every right to call Obama by his full name. You certainly would record his full name if you had reason to check him into your stockade. I am shocked that Palin’s spokeswoman sent out a politically correct press release to distance herself from your remark.

While we waited patiently for the arrival of Gov. Palin we were entertained by the upbeat and patriotic music of the Barron Collier Marching band. These young people were terrific. They set the stage for the rousing welcome that followed. The noise level rose higher and higher as Sarah made her way to the podium and the crowd got what they had been waiting for. Sarah Palin is the real thing and we have John McCain to thank for bringing her to center stage. Now the work begins to get these two very qualified candidates elected. If you think that our country is in trouble, just wait to see what will happen if Obama and Biden get in. John McCain and Sarah Palin will bring the necessary change that will benefit all of us.

Brian Whitehouse

Cape Coral