
Don’t you wish…

2 min read

To the editor

Before casting your vote, ask yourself the following questions.

Would’t it be nice if:

1. More elected officials gave a hoot?

2. More elected officials listened more and talked less?

3. More elected officials represented no special interest groups?

4. More elected officials fulfilled their promises, rather than develop amnesia?

5. More elected officials were conservative?

6. More elected officials learned how to save money? Our money!? For a rainy day?

7. More elected officials put themselves in our shoes? Feel our pain? Our frustrations?

8. More elected officials communicated “with” us, rather than “to” us?

9. More elected officials asked permission, rather than just taking our money?

10. More elected officials wouldn’t have such a big ego?

11. More elected officials didn’t think that they had all the answers? That the rest of us fell off a turnip truck?

12. More elected officials conducted town hall meetings, where we, the residents, could provide valuable input?

13. More elected officials would tighten their belts on speaking, since they are asking us to tighten ours?

14. More elected officials realized that “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?”

15. More elected officials treated us with respect and dignity rather than second-class citizens?

16. More elected officials didn’t make impulsive decisions, rather than considering all the facts? Haste makes waste?

17. Most elected officials gave us, the payers, all of “the scoop of the poop,” not just what they want us to know?

18. More elected officials quit out sourcing jobs and projects?

19. More elected officials learned comparison shopping, thus giving us more value for our hard earned money?

20. More elected officials quit making excuses for their failures and shortcomings?

21. More or all elected officials realized that if we all worked together, for a common goal communicating with each other, we could build a better tomorrow for all of us?

Erick Kuchn

Cape Coral