
Scott comments outrageous

1 min read

To the editor:

I live in northern New York and was so disgusted by the vile innuendos and racial undertones slurred against Barack Obama by Sheriff Mike Scott of Lees County that I had to voice my disgust to those he represents.

To incite citizens against a Presidential candidate, dressed in his uniform, representing an office he was elected to-an office that is supposed to uphold the law, set an example (especially to the children), promote peace and represent all the people equally is, to me, in violation of that very office he represents. Not only is such outrageous behavior a violation it ignites a feeding frenzy of hatred and fear, planting these dangerous thoughts in the subconscious of all who hear such ranting.

Is this the role the Sheriff of Lee County was elected to engage in while in the uniform that represents the people? I don’t think so.

Barbara Ward

Ogdensburg, N.Y.