Scott comment disgraceful
To the editor:
I think it is disgraceful the way the elected Lee County Sheriff, Mike Scott, represented the citizens of Lee County and his official office as sheriff. He participated in a political rally in uniform, introducing Sarah Palin, who is currently under investigation for allegedly abusing her authority and position as governor to fire a public safety commissioner in Alaska. It is not the Sheriff’s (Mike Scott) duty to evoke his personal, biased political agenda on residents who pay his salary, and of whom he represents (all citizens); and to do it in full uniform with a gun visible is even more despicable. I think Sheriff Scott should be stripped of the title. He does not give the citizens of Lee County much assurance he protects and represents civil rights for all, Democrat and Republican alike.
While on-duty, in official uniform, Mike Scott is sworn to convey an apolitical persona, however that was not the case at the Sarah Palin political rally. I think Lee County citizens should demand Mike Scott resign. This would set an example for other public safety officials, that this behavior is unacceptable. Mike Scott represents a threat to all citizens who do not agree with his Republican agenda. This reminds me of the days of the Klu Klux Klan, the sheriff publicly exuded biased and threatening behavior.
I suggest that all Lee County citizens think twice before re-electing Mike Scott to the office of sheriff; he has conveyed he cannot take an apolitical stance while on-duty and in uniform. As citizens we must demand and expect more from elected officials.
Sheila Cox
Cape Coral