
Nathan treated poorly

2 min read

To the editor:

Rating Jim Nathan, the Lee Memorial Health System C.E.O., anything less than AAA is extremely unfair. Nathan has established himself as a hard-working, effective and extraordinary executive and has succeeded in leading a difficult and complicated organization through troubled waters.

Unfortunately, when some things aren’t exactly as we would like them, we have a tendency to ignore the so many accomplishments and focus instead, on how we would like things to be instead of how the market dictates things must be at a articular time. The how we would like things to be list does not represent a basis for rating any executive. Of course, we all desire perfection and certainly we should continue to hope for a system in Lee County that is the best it can be but, at the end of the day, it’s important to understand what we have and express our appreciation for our good fortune. Lee Memorial Health System has a team of professionals that are performing in a way that reflects well on the C.E.O. Nathan is honest, hard-working committed to this community and dedicated to providing superior service. Only the ignorant would think that a rating less than AAA is appropriate.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral