Mack a reliable presence in Southwest Florida
To the editor:
Congressman Connie Mack has taken much heat lately from Burt Saunders and his supporters who claim that Rep. Mack is not a member of this community and who also criticize his nay vote on the bail-out bills presented to congress.
First, to correct Pat Geraghty who was quoted in another newspaper as saying that he hasn’t “seen anything of Mack,” I guess that depends on where he is looking. I personally have attended events with Congressman Mack four out of the last five weeks. He makes a point of being in his district almost every weekend throughout the year where his condo is still homesteaded, contrary to previous reports. Rep. Mack has also put forth Southwest Florida specific legislation such as authorization for a VA clinic in Cape Coral, he is a leading congressional proponent in the fight against red tide which infects our beaches and shores, he played a major role in the expansion project of I-75, and he has also been an outspoken leader in the fight for energy independence.
Congressman Mack opposed the recent bail-out bill because he understands that this bill was not in the best interest of the people in his home district. He understands that this does not change foreclosures or help people struggling to stay in their homes and that it does nothing to change the practice of the lending companies that got us into this situation.
Connie Mack is a proven champion of the constitution, the free market, and the people of Southwest Florida. For this, he will be receiving my vote in November.
Terry Miller
Cape Coral