
What a prize

2 min read

To the editor:

On the campaign trail and on his Web site, the current property appraiser has been espousing about an award received by his office. The award in question was received this year and it was issued by IAAO. I am writing this because maybe I am lost on the meaning of receiving an award. I think an award should be the recognition by your peers in business and industry. Make no mistake about it this is a very special award, and it only cost Lee County Taxpayers $1,100.

The “award” in question is actually an acknowledgement of procedure. So let us review the procedure. First fill out the form, Assessment Practices: Self-Evaluation Guide. Second, send check “money supplied by John Q. Public and send form and check to Kansas, and then click your heels together and wait 60 days. Third post your “award” on the Web site and bring to speaking events, and boast about the “award” so rare that only four other jurisdictions have them. I would have to say I am glad that only four others have them, because I believe an award should be granted and not bought and paid for!

Larry St. Amand

Candidate for property appraiser

Cape Coral