McCain represents change
To the editor:
John McCain wants to keep our nation prosperous, strong and growing. To do this, all Americans need to rethink, reform and reinvent the way we educate our children, train our workers, deliver health care services, support retirees, fuel our transportation needs by stimulating research and development and harnessing new technologies.
McCain has a proven record and in his presidency he promises to provide economic growth so that once again Americans will have confidence in our economic future. He promises a reduction in the corporate tax rate from the second highest in the world to one on par with our trading partners; the low rate on capital gains; allowing business to deduct in a single year investments in equipment and technology, while eliminating tax loopholes and ending corporate welfare, will spur innovation and productivity, and encourage companies to keep their operations and jobs in the United States. In addition, if you vote for the McCain presidency, the United States will be well on its way to independence from foreign sources of oil; progress that will not only begin to alleviate the environmental threat posed from climate change, but will greatly improve our security as well. His proposed comprehensive energy plan will lower the price of gas while utilizing every energy source to move us toward energy independence. He believes we need to develop advanced alternative energy sources while developing existing energy sources by drilling offshore, expanding nuclear power and encouraging clean coal technologies.
As equally important, having John McCain as our next president, more Americans will have health care access than any other time in history. His promises of reform to the insurance market; putting the choice of health care into the hands of American families rather than the government or employers; walk in clinics as alternatives to emergency room care; paying for outcome in the treatment of disease rather than individual procedures; and competition in the prescription drug market will be a positive influence to America’s health care system.
John McCain is a true American and he has spent his life serving our country and will continue to do so by moving our country in the right direction. He wants to solve our problems, not make them worse. You can count on John McCain from the day he is sworn into office until the last hour of his presidency, that he will work with anyone, of either party, to make this country safe, prosperous and proud.
So remember: Voting is powerful!
Voting is responsible!
Voting is a privilege!
Use your privilege, be responsible, and be POWERFUL
If you don’t vote, you don’t count!
Nancy Kratt
Cape Coral