
Blame Bush Administration for middle class pain

2 min read

To the editor:

The Bush Neocon Warmongering Regime in Washington, D.C. is in a financial war with middle class Americans.

In 2003 the Bush Administration used an obscure federal agency founded in 1863 called the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to preempt all state predatory lending laws thereby rendering them inoperative.

There was unanimous opposition in the (OCC) role from all 50 state attorney generals.

In fact, when state investigation into improper lending practices by a number of banks were opened, the OCC filed suit to stop the investigation process.

The OCC rule set up by the Bush Administration ultimately led to the sub-prime mortgage melt down, loss of millions of jobs, a large jump in bankruptcies and foreclosures, devaluation of the United States dollar and most nefarious of all the bailout of long-time bondsters and banksters on Wall Street.

The United States of America is a debtor nation, to the tune of almost 10 million dollars with a long term entitlement obligation debt of almost $58 trillion. A debtor nation can’t help anyone, not even themselves.

Since the origination of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank on Dec. 23, 1913, the basis of every government act passed by Congress is hatred, greed, and envy of the middle class.

The deeper the keel of a sailing vessel the more stable it will be in a hurricane. This criminal, two party political system, is steering a rudderless raft, leaking like a sieve, with its destination hell.

Jon Larson Shudlick

Cape Coral