
The slippery slope

1 min read

To the editor: 

Democrats, both elected and campaigning for Obama, have said repeatedly that Jesus was a community organizer. Demeaning Jesus Christ in a political campaign in an effort to elevate their candidate is unprecedented and deeply insulting to all Christians and their firm belief that Jesus is the Son of God. Jews and Muslims hold Jesus Christ in higher regard than Democrats.

The slippery slope that Democrats entered when they abandoned their moral heritage by defending and accepting President Bill Clinton’s sexual relationship with Monica Lewinski, has by their blatant rejection of the moral foundation of our democracy, evidenced by their willingness to kill babies, born and unborn, separated themselves from all religious citizens. Comparing the Son of God to a community organizer accurately defines who they are and shows that there is no depth or degradation that they are unwilling to embrace to advance their godless agenda.

The slippery slope goes down and down and leads at last to insulting God.

David Huck

Cape Coral