Palin a fresh choice
To the editor:
I am sooo tired of all the women who are ostracizing Sarah Palin. All we have been given for the past years are female candidates who have been hard, tough women who have been in the Washington scene for years.
Now we have a woman who is not only strong, but fresh, young and attractive to stand up for the women who believe in family, anti-abortion, and cleaning up the political scene, and all we seem to hear from are women who don’t like her.
Well, too bad if Obama didn’t see the best of Hillary and crossed her off his list; at least John McCain isn’t afraid to put someone on the ticket who can give the women of this country something to look up to; someone who has been there, has climbed the ladder, taken care of family, is sensitive and hardworking, and represents the rest of us.
I could have voted for Hillary, but now we have a better choice in McCain and Palin.
Judy Galewski
Cape Coral