
Mainstream media sinking

2 min read

To the editor:

Sinking or stinking is the question of the day about the “mainstream” media. Attacking Sarah Palin is an insult to all women everywhere and demonstrates a mindless attitude on the part of pinhead reporters. To waste valuable editorial space on “junk store” information certainly reflects an attitude that is absolutely stupid.

And, to attack a 17-year-old girl, using her personal experience as a tool to undermine Gov. Palin is unprofessional and disgusting.

This is a huge test for the Obama team and it will be interesting to see if the senator steps up to the plate and does the right thing. If Obama is sincere, he needs to clearly state his feelings about this type of “sick” reporting. He needs to show himself to be absolutely against the media’s childish demonstrations and leave no doubt that he will not side with idiotic reporting. And finally, advertisers need to discontinue supporting any publication that chooses unprofessionalism and sensationalism over truth, importance, fairness, and Americanism. Many in the media have sunk to a new low and it’s up to all of us not to wallow in the mud with them. The irresponsibility of the media will not serve them well in the end!

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral