
Issues, positions, should be what matters

2 min read

To the editor:

Yes, Sarah Palin’s family is like any other American family. So why let a 17-year-old girl’s discretion decide how to vote? She’s not even the candidate! An average American school teacher, police officer, bank teller, cashier or janitor could also have had a pregnant 17 year old, but there’s no media fanfare for them.

Sarah Palin did indeed have her daughter join her along with her family on stage. This was an act of grace, not gall. Sarah could very easily have sought retribution for the attacks made about her daughter. Instead, she showed her daughter and the country what unconditional love is. Based on Obama’s abortion platform, if this had been his daughter, he would have had her put her newborn in a room to die and called it mercy!

As for sin being in Palin’s backyard, sin is in the world and how we react to it is just as valid as the sin itself. At age 17, Obama has admitted to extensively using drugs to get high; should we condemn him for this? We should not judge someone for their mistakes, or we in turn will be judged. Bringing a new life into this world is far more admirable than smoking one away with drugs.

McCain and Palin are most definitely for less government. The last time I checked, this country’s government was of the people, by the people and for the people. An autonomy would be no government propagating chaos, discord, and zero accountability. A dictatorship would be of the president, by the president and for the president, leaving no room for the people of this nation to have a say in anything political.

Unfortunately, the freedoms that certain constituents of our government vie for are not free at all, they cost this country dearly. Sarah Palin and John McCain offer this nation strength, character, perseverance and unity. Obama and Biden offer this nation freedom to kill babies, a disarmed, unprepared military and an open door for terrorists to cause the downfall of America. I’ll take morals, courage and experience any day over genocide, weakness and inexperience.

Carrie Gillispie

Cape Coral