
Go figure

1 min read

To the editor:

I just don’t get it this time, folks.

The country (and by association, the world) is in the worst recession in over 60 years. But that’s OK, we want some more. (What’s another five years?)

We are losing our jobs and homes. Perfectly all right.

We stand to lose our Social Security and our remaining health care. Never mind, we’ll support McCain anyway.

McCain is going to cut your taxes much less than Obama. But we’re not worried; we’re all fat and happy out here.

Go figure!

What happened to all the Independents out there? They showed up in droves in the primaries, to vote 2-1 Democratic. Now they are either split even or unheard from. Wha Hoppen?

As for “school board” Palin, she is shooting Alaska’s wolves and not protecting their polar bears. But, again, that’s fine; we didn’t need all those non-voting wildlife anyhow. Especially if it cuts into profits!

Just sitting on the dais in the Senate isn’t going to change anything, even if you knew how. Nevertheless, we “status-quo-ers” don’t really want any change nohow; so there!

Wayne K. Hood

Cape Coral