
Don’t turn kids into door-to-door salesmen

2 min read

To the editor:

My dinner was interrupted by the doorbell twice this evening. First, two little munchkins; they were already walking away when I got to the door, apologizing for ringing my bell in error. A few minutes later, the doorbell, again. This time, a cute little fellow, around 8 years old, wild curls escaping his baseball cap (on sideways), – dragging a backpack, “would you like to buy ‘sump’in’ from my school?”

Why is our school system turning these little kids, who should be home doing homework, into little door-to-door salesmen? I remember, many years ago, my 6-year-old son, given candy bars to sell for $1 each. He went to nursery school, before coming home, and sold them for 5 cents each.

I know that the company pushing all this candy, wrapping paper, candles and other stuff, makes much more money than the school, so why does the school promote such programs? Moreover, why do the parents allow it?  I would really rather have donated the money to my son’s school, rather than have him turned into a little salesman.

I did my time, soccer games, PTA, paid for my son’s education. I currently pay taxes for area schools, and do not appreciate being solicited at my door, by children selling things I do not want or need.

Ann Shuey