
What does UAW mean?

2 min read

To the editor:

During election time we see and meet many politicians who are asking for our UAW endorsement and support for their election. Do they even know what the UAW stands for? To help them with their bid for our endorsement, the UAW means United Auto Workers. We build vehicles made in the USA. We have lost many good paying jobs and factories in this country.

Why? Because people buy vehicles not made in this country. Yet they have the nerve to approach the UAW asking for our support driving a foreign vehicle.

If these politicians don’t even realize they are part of the problem as to why we lost good paying jobs and factories in this country, I don’t think we can support them with their foreign vehicles.

Then when asked what type of vehicle do you own? Some get insulted and others just say Honda, or some other foreign vehicle. If I was the reason for you losing your job and then say, I want to be your representative, would you vote for me? Hell no, you would not. Buying a foreign vehicle was a few dollars cheaper in the short term. The long term by shutting down factories in the U.S. The country lost a tremendous tax base. The tax money that helped this country operate. A place where your sons or daughters could get a good paying job and support his or her family and share in the American dream without being a college graduate. Remember we are not all college bound for a variety of reasons.

If you are running for office and come to the UAW for help, please don’t insult our intelligence by driving a foreign vehicle. Also, when we buy from foreign countries we become dependent on their products. If you don’t believe this, just remember the next time you fill your foreign vehicle up. You are paying three to four dollars for that foreign oil. If you don’t think China doesn’t own us, try to purchase products still made in the United States of America.

Try to purchase American products whenever possible. It may be your job outsourced next. Don’t think it can’t happen.

Jim Getts

Proud UAW retiree