
Democrats find women unworthy

2 min read

To the editor:

“They are not smart enough.” “They are too emotional for the job. They can’t produce as well as a man.” “They don’t understand how to deal with people globally.” Women have a place, but it’s not as vice president in the Democratic party.

Take your pick, it’s any or all of the above and the American people can like it or lump it. There is no denying the fact that Hillary Clinton was the most qualified Democrat to be the party’s presidential nominee. She lost to Sen. Obama because babble beat the importance of sanity and substance. So then, if Sen. Obama truly wanted to help the nation, why did he not beg Sen. Clinton help him as vice president. There can only be one answer to that question; the team Obama disrespects females. To bring Joe Biden out of mothballs and expect Hillary’s 18 million voters to accept him because the senator from Illinois was afraid to be upstaged is patently unfair to all Democrats. It’s hardly good judgment to place the election in jeopardy because of a pompous arrogant position. A major mistake by the Dems, with no recovery possible!

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral