
Cut back on editorial page ‘frequent flyers’

1 min read

To the editor:

In an effort to improve your outstanding newspaper, please consider one suggestion (which many newspapers have done for years): limit the number of times in a designated period that the same individual is published in your editorial section. For example, publish a letter from the same individual no more than once every 60 days.

We believe this will encourage a wider variety of feedback from new/fresh sources and a more interesting editorial section. We also believe that this will cut down on what appears to be, more often than not, a medium for some individuals to subject the rest of the readers to their constant personal disagreements/opinions on a variety of topics (primarily political).

Perhaps, as an alternative, these “frequent flyers” can actually meet weekly at a local coffee shop (which would benefit the local economy!) and discuss their opinions/differences in person to their heart’s content! Thank you.

Erich and Rachel Boerner

Cape Coral