
Palin a great choice!

2 min read

To the editor:

Sarah Palin has sparked the Republican Party adding energy, excitement, and solid substance. She has brought to the table a freshness and a determination that has resulted in the nation and the world talking about how history will be molded by the governor of Alaska. The “old boy” network in Washington is shaking in their boots; Gov. Palin went to Alaska, attacked the corruption at all levels in both parties, and returned respect and admiration to politics in that state. She is a firm believer in government “for the people.”

Some are saying “but she’s not from Washington, how can she perform?” To think that some politicians are so pompous that they have the nerve to say that only Washington insiders can understand the problems in this nation and around the world is a demonstration of arrogance beyond disgusting. Gov. Palin is a good, decent, honest, bright woman who will fight for all of us and make certain that ‘back-door’ unsavory politics will be exposed in Washington and politicians will either shape up or be shipped out. The Palin choice will be a bright light that will serve to lead America to future greatness!

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral