
Obama too liberal?

2 min read

To the editor:

For those readers who read National Geographic, watch nerdy educational TV, you know what the Mayan Calendar is; for the rest, it is an eight-foot round stone calendar carved eight centuries ago. It covers every year but mysteriously ends at the year 2012. Many feel that this indicates some form of cataclysm and even the end of the world in that 2012 year.

I have always dismissed this as a mythical legend until now. It is a revelation to note that, if elected, said 2012 would be the end of Obama’s first term. One should hope for the best, but can you imagine an Obama-nominated Supreme Court legalizing everything from heroin to pedophilia?

Of course, I am sure that the powers in Congress will be running the show with Obama as a front man. But, when you combine Obama’s lack of experience in both foreign affairs and proper use of the military, plus the Congressional Democrats penchant for “tax and spend” history, 2012 could actually be the end of the world. It was predicted by a visiting Englishman in the 19th century who said that democracy was dead as soon as the have-nots control the treasury, which is a perfect picture of an Obama administration.

Joseph Campochiaro

Fort Myers