
Don’t export oil dollars

1 min read

To the editor:

I’m sure everyone is happy with our high energy costs and the statements of Congress that we have to conserve use and find alternative resources to solve our energy problems. It’s interesting that these same arguments were made over 10 years ago and will probably repeat the same argument again, since drilling will take years to bear fruit. It will not happen with the Congress we have today. The TV news mentioned a few days ago that a large number of our members of Congress have large investment holdings in oil and their public statements to the contrary against drilling are no more than rhetoric. Can you imagine if we drilled 10 years ago, the amount of oil we would have today? Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to spend billions of our dollars with foreign governments, which monies are also funding our enemies and breaking our budgets. Just a thought.

V. E. Chircop

Cape Coral