
Pass costs on to those who generate the expense

2 min read

To the editor:

The following letter was sent to the mayor and council. If you agree let them know.

During the discussion of Ord. 88-08 at the council meeting on Aug. 25, it became apparent that there are no provisions in the current tree ordinance Ord. 103-06 that assigns financial responsibility for the errant plantings of trees and shrubs which may become subject to “trimming by the power company.”

As we are aware according to Karen Ryan at LCEC: “We spend about $2.4 million annually to trim trees away from power lines in order to ensure our customers receive safe and reliable electric service.” This cost is paid by all of us as part of our electric bills.

Seemingly, council could correct this injustice which is; all LCEC rate payers paying for power company tree trimming caused by the irresponsible planting of a few. This could be accomplished by amending Ordinance 103-06, Section C, Lateral Right of Way Planting; by providing the addition where: “the power company is to directly bill the individual property owners when tree trimming by them becomes necessary to trim trees away from power lines in order to ensure our customers receive safe and reliable electric service.”

We seriously doubt anyone enjoys being financially responsible for the mistakes of others and we hope that one of you will pick up on this suggestion which is simply a matter of equity.

Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.

Ralph LePera, vice-president on behalf of the Board of Directors

Cape Coral Civic Association.