
Leasing of Alley not the right solution

2 min read

To the editor:

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), at the direction of Gov. Crist, is contemplating a 50 year lease of Alligator Alley to a vendor to maintain the facility and to charge and collect tolls. FDOT will emphasize that this is not a “sale,” only a lease. But, in many respects a 50-year lease will seem like a sale.  

The selected vendor will be able to adjust the tolls to ensure a “reasonable” profit for its investors and shareholders. Many of the vendors being considered for the lease are controlled by foreign corporations. These foreign corporations will make a handsome profit, while the motoring public (you and me) face the potential of paying exorbitant tolls to travel on Alligator Alley.  

The rationale behind this proposal is to generate funds for transportation projects that are much needed throughout Florida. However, the leasing of our infrastructure is not the right solution. We have managed to greatly improve our transportation infrastructure for decades without selling our souls to foreign companies. 

No one will fault the FDOT for raising tolls when and where necessary, as long as FDOT establishes through a public process the need to raise those fees. However, I can say with certainty that no one will understand why some foreign company is allowed to raise tolls to ensure the corporation’s profitability.  

And, we can be assured that this will only be the beginning. If this long-term lease is completed, there will be efforts to duplicate this around the state.

This is the time and place to take a stand and stop the long-term leasing of Florida infrastructure to foreign controlled interests. Let Gov. Crist know what you think of this unacceptable approach to solving our infrastructure problems!

Burt L. Saunders

State Senator, District 37

(Burt Saunders is a candidate for Congress looking to unseat Connie Mack in District 14. He is a Republican running without party affiliation. )