
Congratulations; The real race begins now

2 min read

To the editor:

My congratulations go to Bob Janes on his winning the Republican nomination for the Lee County Board of Commissioners, District 1.  

Much media attention has been paid to the primary candidates. Much money has been spent on winning his party’s nomination. The winner deserves congratulations for his success. However, the primary vote is not a final election vote; it just rings the starting bell for the real campaign to begin. It has been 20 years since a non-Republican was elected to the Lee County board. I know the election history, but new history is frequently made when circumstances are new!

This year the circumstances are different because of the dissatisfaction of the public. People are looking for solutions to halting our slumping economy. They are looking for answers to how we can continue to grow and yet save our unique environment which draws people to Lee County. They are looking for smart choices on how to spend their tax dollars, and on how to cut waste.

I look forward to presenting my point of view on the issues so the voters can make an informed decision based on which candidate has the vision, energy, skill and experience to bring new ideas to the Board of Commissioners in a time when business as usual won’t jump start our economy.

Let the real race begin!

Carla Johnston


(Carla Johnston is currently on the Sanibel City Council and served two terms as mayor of Sanibel. She is running for the Lee County Board of Commissioners, District 1,

with no party affiliation.)