No more political giveaways
To the editor:
Are there enough of us left to stand up and face what the Democrats have to offer, which is a one way ticket to the bottom and what’s left of our borders, our voice, our way of life, the American Dream? They stop all laws to enforce our safety,
NAFTA, even after the Clintons, they gave millions of our jobs away. And still screw over America.
Faith-based trade policy presented by George Bush himself and Republican leaders have leveled this nation for corporations and caused American workers to lose self respect, self worth, and all pride in our country. His policies will be the end of America.
I was told one day by Mideast Indians, some day you will have your chance again. It’s our turn. They tell Americans we are finished, move over.
To the rest of Americans living in our great sanctuary city, Cape Coral, we must stand up now and let Laurel and Hardy mayor and police chief to step down or move to India.
N. Fagan
Cape Coral