
Hurricane season is upon us. Are you prepared?

3 min read

To the editor:

Do you know what to do or where to go in case a hurricane comes in this direction?

When you hear the word evacuation, it’s already too late. You don’t have much time to go anywhere.

When a hurricane strikes, you’re on your own. No police or rescue squad will help you. When I moved to Cape Coral in 2003, I thought that hurricane shelters would be in abundance. Wouldn’t you think that a city with a population of about 160,000 would have many such shelters? To my dismay, Cape Coral only had five hurricane shelters; Skyline Elementary School, Mariner High School, Diplomat Middle School, Diplomat Elementary School and Littleton Elementary School.

Are these school even safe? Can they withstand 150 mph winds? Are they far enough away from water? Will they be open before a hurricane? Can anyone come to these shelters?

You would think that our city leaders, having had plenty of our money, would have built many hurricane shelters to keep us out of harm’s way. I can’t remember one such structure being erected since 2003. I hear plenty of excuses, but see no new shelters. Isn’t it great? A city with a population of 160,000, and only five shelters! Just great!! What happened to the slogan “Protect and Serve?” What were our city leaders thinking? Were they even thinking?

Since 2003, some “palaces” were erected in Cape Coral, better known as fire stations. Are they not beautiful and state-of- the-art construction? You bet!

The city did need more fire stations, but at what price? Palaces don’t put out fires; people do (firefighters). The city leaders had plenty of our money the last five years. They spent $1.6 million on a super-slide at Sun Splash, a water recreation park that is only open during the summer.

Another $8 million was wasted when city leaders acquired the VK site per eminent domain. What a shame!

Thousands were spent for consultants to make city government leaner; to compare salaries of city employees to other cities. Isn’t it great? I can go on and on and on! Just like city spending goes on and on!! Yet there’s no money or need for hurricane shelters?

Is there a need for the city manager to drive a new company vehicle every year? A city-owned vehicle? Paid by whom? How about all the department managers? Do all of them drive new company cars paid by us, the taxpayers?

You need to call, e-mail or fax your city council representative to get those answers. If a hurricane comes our way, where will these executives hide? In one of the palaces? In one of the shelters?

Will they get in their fancy cars and drive to Georgia?

If you feel the same way as I do, you must e-mail, call, or fax your city council representative. Express your concerns! Together, perhaps we can change things for the well-being of all Cape Coral residents.

Erick Kuehn

Cape Cora