
Cape ignoring illegal aliens issue

2 min read

To the editor:

“City of Cape Coral unrecognized record holder,” Cape Coral Daily Breeze 3/22/08. Thanks to our elected officials our city, besides the 409 miles of canals, is getting a second world record — a record no other city would like to boast.

But our mayor and city elected officials are proud of the debacle.

With your permission I would take you back to 2007. Americans Standing Tall forced the city council to enact 76-06. “No contractor doing work for the city would be allowed to hire illegal aliens.” Originally we wanted across the board. Two weeks later, with council member Mrs. Bertolini making the motion, it was rescinded. Even Houdini could not work that fast. Were contractors in a celebrating mood? They still are. Illegals all over the city. Sheriff Hunter, where are you? I do have a suggestion. Instead city of Cape Coral, change the name to city of Cape Illegals!

Across the country the illegals earn over $25 billion every single year and every penny travels south of the border. I vividly remember meeting the five candidates running for council at Tony Maida’s house. All of them “did not like the illegals” and were familiar with 76-06. Two were elected and one of them turned out to be a dud. For the record: Aiding undocumented persons is illegal. It’s a federal offense and first cousin to disloyalty.

I was bewildered why an elected city official called me at my home and with a high tone voice disagreed with my letters to the editor. Well sir, it is called “freedom of speech.” Fair enough?

As for the second world’s record: Cape Coral is the only city enacting an ordinance against the illegals and two weeks later rescinding it. I did my research.

Mario D. Kyriakidis

Cape Coral