
It’s time for single-member districts

1 min read

To the editor:

In these times of panic over foreclosures, unemployment and cuts in vital programs like mental health and education, our commissioners have the opportunity to do something economically responsible and just plain right. They can vote for single member district voting.

As our elected representatives, for example, the commissioners can show their fiscal responsibility by eliminating the expenses of “at large” voting. They can also bring Lee County into compliance with the constitution by eliminating the discrimination which amounts to and parallels the well-known expression “taxation without representation.”

Right now, the commissioners have the opportunity to do the right thing by voluntarily changing to th SMD voting. Let their constituents see that they are no longer willing to allow the denial of each voter’s voice. Each voice should be heard if each district is to elect its own commissioner.

This is not an unprecedented action. Collier commissioners made the voluntary decision to change to SMD voting. Let’s see what our commissioners are made of and who they represent.

Lynne G. Cooper

Fort Myers