
Changes needed

2 min read

To the editor:

Wouldn’t it be nice if:

1. Cape Coral City Council meetings started and finished at a specified time?

2.All the people seated behind the dais would respect each other? And their opinions? Treating others as they would want to be treated?

3. Some of the city leaders didn’t come loaded for bear? Shooting from the hip? Or just shooting?

4. Some of them didn’t have pre-conceived notions of any way or the highway? Only their opinions count?

5. Some of them would leave their tempers and their inflated egos at home?

6. All of them embraced change instead of bracing against change?

7. All of them would work together, not try to work together?

8. All of them learned how to do more with less? Getting the most bang for your buck? Comparison shopping/bidding? Pursuing local contractors and developers? Keeping the money in the Cape? Quit outsourcing everything? No “verbal” agreements?

9. City officials had only one readable, easy to understand budget?

10. Citizen’s Advisory committees actually give advice? And such advice would be considered?

11. Citizens input time at city council meetings be five minutes? Aren’t the citizens impatient enough to warrant an extra two minutes?

12. Citizens were granted rebuttal time after citizens input?

13. Some of the people seated behind the dais would quit making excuses? Always having the right answers for the wrong reasons? Too much double talk?

14. All the city leaders realized that their views are representing the views of the citizens of Cape Coral, not just their own? Taxation without representation? Hold town hall meetings?

15. City officials were in tune with all the residents of Cape Coral, working together, as a cohesive group, making this city a better and more affordable place to live for all of us? Not just the rich and famous.

Erich Kuehn

Cape Coral